Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Slow 7-miler today

I did the same 7-mile route as yesterday but at a purposefully slower pace.  The results are below.  To be honest, I found the slower-paced run much more boring but I know I have to stick at it.

I have a 16-miler planned this weekend for which I need to stick to the 9min30sec pace (or slower).  I have put it in writing now, so that means I have to to it!

Summary                                            Slower-paced run                      Faster-paced run

Distance7.07 mi7.08 mi
Avg Speed6.3 mph7.5 mph
Avg Pace9:36 min/mi7:57 min/mi
Calories1,086 C1,094 C

Monday, January 28, 2013

A good start to the week with regards to training

I kicked off the week with a good start today.  I got a 7 miler in at half marathon target race pace and could have carried on.  I am particularly pleased because the conditions were bad (very strong winds and heavy rain) but I still managed to do what I set out to do.

I need to revise my "usual" training days this week, and it means that I won't be able to go to the running training session on Wednesday.  It means that I am planning four session in five days which isn't ideal, but hopefully it'll be okay.

I'm planning:
Monday - 7 mile half marathon pace
Tuesday - 5-7 varied
Thursday - 6 mile easy
Friday - 16 mile LSR.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Had a great club session last night

After feeling a little despondent on the weekend, I had a great club session last night.  It's made even better by the fact that I very nearly didn't attend the session because as I was leaving it was raining very heavily (with snow/sleet in the air) and it was also very cold.  The session started off being the worst weather conditions that I have ever ran in, but the weather eased up and I'm really glad I went.  I'm not sure who said this or where it came from but the following quote always seems to ring true:

Don't doubt if you should run today, just decide that you are going to.  You only regret runs you didn't do and rarely regret runs that you did.

Anyway, back to the session last night.  It was 6x1K loops, with approximately 200m jog recovery where on each loop you're supposed to push yourself hard but maintain control.  On my last loop, our club 10K record holder (Tommo, who was on his 7th loop) caught me up and dragged me along which really pushed me.  It's interesting, as he took one look at me and just said "relax your arms, mate" which really helped.  It's hard to describe (and I don't know if it's just in my mind), but I seemed to "flow" a bit easier from consciously relaxing my arms.  I'll have to remember this for my other runs, especially ones where I am pushing myself hard.

Also, looking at my splits (I remembered to hit the lap button at the start and end of each loop) I was quite a bit quicker following Tommo.  I'm not saying I could have done that speed on each of the previous 5 loops because I was absolutely shattered after that 6th one.

Split   Time     Distance     Av Pace

1         4:10.7 0.59           7:04
2         4:11.5 0.61           6:55
3         4:12.4 0.60           6:59
4         4:09.7 0.60           6:54
5         4:10.7 0.59           7:02
6         3:53.4   0.61           6:24

I ran back to the club house with Tommo and it was interesting chatting with him.  He has just turned  40 (so has just entered into the MV40 category) and holds various club records from when he was 23 etc.  However, last weekend he ran a 10K and was just 13 seconds off of his PB for the 10K (set when he was 23).  He reckons he is going to break his PB this year.  He is also gunning for the MV40 records in half and full marathon as well.  What a cracking achievement!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting the schedule right

I confess, I was a bit "subdued" yesterday with regards to the running (and also generally) but I'm not really sure why.  Last week's runs weren't too bad in reality....in fact the Monday (10K PM training run) and Wednesday (the club speed session) were very good.  Thursday's was fine and Saturday's was also okay, if a little cold.

I think my issue is is that I am still not 100% sure on my training paces, and I'm worried that I am doing my LSR's too fast.  Even Saturday's session was 9min/mile pace and I think that needs to be more like 9:30-10:00 min/mile really.  This week on the LSR, I am really going to try and slow down and make sure I do more like 9:30min/mile.  I am well aware that that Internet is strewn with examples of people ignoring this advice and then blowing up on their marathon day, which is something I want to try and avoid.

Having said that, today's session was supposed to be a quicker session and I got 6 miles in at variable pace, some of it quick so I was pleased with that.  It was interesting actually, because I could have (and in some ways, I actually wanted to) run a lot further and I finished strong and steady.  Reflecting on this a bit, I wonder if I have stumbled across a schedule that suits me better.  Last week I ran Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday (as opposed to the more usual Mon, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday) where as often my LSR is on a Sunday so on Monday's session I would not usually be quite as fresh.  I really feel that I could have gone on to do 10-12 miles today (not all at a quick pace), so I think I'll keep that in mind for future weeks as well.

I've mentioned before that I have drastically reduced the alcohol intake over the last few weeks and I've been continuing on that vein since the New Year.  However, to be honest I think that was getting to me as I was feeling that I didn't have much to look forward to in terms of non-running activities/weekends.  This is especially because although I have February Half Term off of work, it's close to my planned Half Marathon event, so I know I won't be able to "let my hair down" on that week either.  Therefore, my wife and I have organised a weekend away soon which is something that I am already looking forward to!

Another thing that I experimented with on my LSR on Saturday is fuel.  I know when I start regularly going over 16+ I will start need to practice a fuelling strategy for the marathon.  In the past I have used Go Gels, but I didn't really get on with them and to be honest they are quite expensive.  On the forums, I have seen talk of jam sandwiches but on Friday I made some flapjack!  I must say, it went down pretty well and it wasn't too crumbly and it was fairly easy to chew.  I've frozen 3 batches of it, and I think I'll make it again but maybe next time I'll add more Gold Syrup and probably throw in a few sultanas.  They don't look like much, but they were very nice - even if I do say so myself!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A cold 12-miler

I got a cold 12-miler in today.  It wasn't snowing or icy (unlike in many places in the UK) but it seemed to get colder the longer I was out.  I'm pleased I got it in though, and I'm looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow.

It means that I am am at 100% for the first two weeks of Jantastic, which I'm pleased about as well.

Looking ahead to next week, I'm looking to do:

  • Mon: 6 mile tempo

  • Wed: Club Run.  I'm not sure which session yet but there is a choice of:
    • 6 X 1K loops, with approx 200m jog recovery added
    • A hill session consisting of running continuously for 5 X 5 mins and rest for 2 mins.
    • 3 x 1200m.  Push hard for maximum benefit.
  • Thurs: 7 mile easy
  • Sat: 12 mile.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A speed session

I went to the running club session for the first time this year.  I haven't attended this year yet, due to the achilles issue I have had.

Anyway, I chose the 6 lots of 600m efforts with 200m recovery session and I really enjoyed the session.  I definitely feel that I am improving in both speed and endurance and that is giving me the motivation to keep it going.  Below is a screenshot of the 6x600m with 200m recovery section and it looks like I was fairly consistent which I'm pleased with as well.

I'm planning a slow 7-miler today and a slow 13-miler on the weekend.  If those session goes well, I think I can say I'm back into the training properly after my couple of weeks of restricted running.

I don't usually run after a tough Wednesday night club session, but the forecast for tomorrow (my usual running day) doesn't look great as there is a risk of snow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Foam roller arrived today

I ordered a cheap foam roller from Amazon and it arrived today.  After doing a quick check on YouTube I had a little play with it at lunchtime....and it hurt!  No pain, no gain I suppose!

I know I have tight hamstrings (the physio has told me this in the past) so I am hoping this roller will help.  I only used it for about 5-10 minutes and afterwards my legs felt strange.  Walking up the stairs immediately afterwards had the same feeling you get when you jump off of a bike and start walking.  Very odd!

I'll keep persevering as I have heard very good things about them.

Monday, January 14, 2013

7 miles, with 10K at a quick (for me) pace

I've just got back from a pretty good 7 miler, with 10k of it at a quick (for me) pace.  My achilles felt good and I felt the need to "blow the cobwebs away" after a couple of weeks of slow runs (or no runs).  Splits for the 10K are below.  This was on a flat route (6 and a bit times around Paignton Green, for those that know it) and I was lucky that I didn't get held up at all by cars etc.  I was hoping that each mile would have been faster that the previous one, and I was really pleased with the results when I saw them.

1          07:46.4           1
2          07:35.7           1
3          07:26.1           1
4          07:24.1           1
5          07:15.7           1
6          07:12.8           1
7          01:38.0           0.23

Total    46:18.8           6.23

Route is here

I know this isn't strictly to plan, but I just fancied it today!  I'll keep an eye on my achilles tomorrow but I'm hoping the issue is now sorted.  I'm hoping to get along to club training on Wednesday, but we'll see.

In the past, I've done a lot of my running on or near this area and it's only since joining the club that I've been venturing onto different routes.  However, with my achilles playing up as it was, I was advised to seek out some flat routes so my 4 of my last 5 runs have been back on my old stomping ground and I've enjoyed it!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

11 miler this morning, with iPod

I went out for a gentle 11 miler (at the time of writing for some reason the Garmin Connect site isn't allowing me to upload my run details) from Paignton-Torquay and back, twice.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was going to out with my iPod and listen to the Marathon Talk Podcast.  I actually enjoyed listening the podcast and this episode had Mike Tomlinson (Jane's husband) on the show.  It was a thought-proving episode, and Mike explained what Jane went through with her illness, including a lot of "hassle" from people questioning her illness etc.  As the episode mentioned, there are some strange people out there.  Mike has this month opened the York Marathon for entries, and after a quick Google it appears that the original 5000 place sold out in 2 days.  At the time of writing, 5500 places have now gone and they are seeing if they can raise it 6000 entrants.  See here for a report.

Another thing about the Podcast is that someone from the Runner's World marathon thread I am a member of was mentioned as she did 2 marathons back to back in January.

Anyway, I'm pleased to see that my achilles seems okay and didn't hold me up or bother me on the 11 miler, although it does seem a bit tight after the run.  I am planning on doing a "normal" week next week, to include the Wednesday club session that will involve a hill/tempo/sprint session of some sort.

I've also logged my four runs this week on the Marathon Talk website so I"m currently on track for Jantastic!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Foam roller and iPod experiments

My achilles is feeling okay, so I'm planning an 8-10 miler tomorrow.  If it's still okay after that, I'll be back to the "normal" training next week, as although I will have done four runs this week they have all been at a purposefully slow/easy pace.  Also, I expect this will only be around 26-27 miles so I want to try and do 30-35 miles next week if possible with an LSR of around 13, and slowly build up the mileage over the next few weeks.

A few years ago, I used to run with an iPod but I found that I got a bit bored of it and used to settle into the rhythm of the music as opposed to running at whatever pace I wanted.  I'm going to try again tomorrow though, but this time listening to a Marathon Talk podcast and see how I get on with that.  If I find that I'm either not really taking the podcast in, or alternatively I find it too distracting I'll just turn the iPod off.  It's not that I don't enjoy running by myself and taking in the scenery etc, but I just feel like giving it a go to see how I get on.  If it works well, it will be a good way of "killing two birds with one stone".  I.E., getting the LSR in, plus listening to a podcast at the same time.

On a couple of the threads I follow on Runner's World, foam rollers have been mentioned and seem very popular with other runners.  I know that I have tight hamstrings and although I do stretch I never really feel that they get any looser.  I have been thinking about getting one for a little while as on some runs I feel that cardio-vascularly I'm feeling fine, but my legs feel "heavy" some how.  Therefore, for the sake of £10 delivered, I thought I'd order one so mine should be turning up from Amazon some time next week.  I'll report back here on how I find it.

Monday, January 07, 2013

First run of the New Year

It's been a late start of the year for me, since completing the December running streak on NYE.  As I mentioned though, I have had a slight niggle in my achilles so have eased off to try and clear the injury up for me to start my marathon training properly.

So, I went out for a slow and steady 4-mile run on a flat route after work today and I'm pleased to say I felt okay.  The achilles did feel a bit tight for a mile or so, but after that it felt fine.  It was good to get back out again, and it was a nice run out on a scenic seafront route.

I'm going to continue to ice and stretch the achilles over the next week or so, and presuming I am okay tomorrow and not hobbling around I'm planning a 5-miler on both Wednesday and Friday and hopefully a slightly longer run (8-10 miles) on Sunday all being well.  All of this will be at a slow and steady pace on flat routes.

I've also got off to a start on the Marathon Talk Jantastic challenge as well, where I have set myself the target of doing four session a week through January.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sitting here on a Sunday night....

....and I'm feeling positive.

I did a session at the gym today.  It was a light session due to my achilles issue, but I'm hoping I'll be getting out for a slow run on the flat tomorrow.  At the gym I just did 2x5mins slow running, 20 mins on the bike and 2x15mins of stretching.

Today is also my last day of drinking alcohol until February half term.  I knocked the booze on the head successfully in the last part of last year and felt this helped with my training, so I'm hoping to keep it going in the new year.  It remains to be seen if I continue to see improvements in my running, but I'm hoping I will.

As I sit here typing, the achilles is feeling okay so I'm hoping the issue has sorted itself out after 7 days off running.

Also, my wife has tonight reminded me that this time last year I was 14st 9lb (93kg) whereas this morning I was a much more reasonable 13st 2lb (83kg).  Here's hoping I'll keep around that weight over the next few weeks.

Achilles is getting better, but I haven't ran for 6 days

The achilles issue I mentioned in the previous post is getting better, but I have decided not to run for a whole week and have been going to the gym instead (yawn!!).  It feels ok (not 100%, but it's not painful as such ...more of a very slight discomfort) when walking around but when I lightly squeeze it there is some pain. The pain/discomfort has been reducing over the 6 days I've taken off. I'd say on a scale of 1-10 the pain when I squeeze it is only a 2, but I am wary of achilles injuries. 

Annoyingly, I felt it go when I was out for a long walk in the new year and not when running although I appreciate it still could be running induced. I do have a dilemma as my gym membership runs out on the 8th Jan and I was planning on not renewing it.  I'm thinking I'll go for a slow trot tomorrow and see how it is and then make my mind up about the membership.

I'm hoping to do the MarathonTalk Jantastic challenge and I've set my goal for January to run 4 times per week.  From the website, there are the following rules which help keep the motivation and consistency going in the early part of the year, with the objective being that you set the goals at the start of each month and report your progress against those goals on a weekly basis.

January = How many runs per week?
February = January + How far will you go?
March = January + February + How fast will you go?
Jantastic = January + February + March
You set it. You stick to it. You run. You get your 'Jantastic' score!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Running plan, plus achilles injury

I took some time yesterday to think a bit about a running schedule that would take me up to the marathon I have planned in early May.  I've been following and contributing to a thread on Runner's World where a marathon plan has been put together by someone (Shades) who has ran nearly 300 marathons so she obviously knows what she is doing!

I've tweaked it slightly to take into account of the following:

  • I want to keep a Wednesday session going if at all possible.  This is the main Wednesday club session where I'll probably run either a hill or speed session.  This will be a tough session for me.
  • I may move the Long Slow Runs to a Saturday as opposed to the Sunday.  This is so that I can try and get a long to some of the Saturday club social runs which I have enjoyed when I have attended.
  • 2 weeks will be down on the recommended mileage due a couple of events I have lined up.  These are a half marathon and a 10K.  I have checked with Shades and she has said I don't need to worry about making up the mileage on these race weeks.

One thing I notice with the plan is that a 5 mile tempo run is included on each week, and the tempo mileage doesn't increase through the schedule.  I did check this with Shades and she has recommended that I do not increase this mileage.  My problem (and it's a problem I think many runners face, and is definitely not an issue with the plan) is that I am worried that I won't know for sure how fast I can run if I don't increase the tempo mileage.  However, I think I need to have faith in the plan and trust that it works with the main focus being on the endurance/long runs.  Also, the Trotters Wednesday session will be a tough and quick session for me as well.  This will take some discipline for me to hold back on increasing these tempo miles.

The plan itself doesn't seem too bad with a maximum weekly mileage peaking at 43.  This is about 8 miles more than my previous weekly highest, and coincides with the longest run of the training plan which is a 22 miler.

Unfortunately, I have tweaked my right achilles slightly so I am actually off running for a few days with the hope that it will clear up in a few days.  I am aware that achilles can be problematic so I am a bit worried at this point, keeping in mind that I haven't actually started the plan yet!  I am hoping that I will be ready to start running again at the start of next week......fingers crossed.

Today was my first day back at work following the Christmas and New Year break, but at least it's a short 2-day week this week for me.  

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Looking forward to the New Year, and little look back at 2012

Today is the first day of 2013 so I'm talking the opportunity to think about some running goals for 2013 as well as looking back over 2012 a little bit.

Firstly (and most recently), I managed to complete the December 2012 running streak that I set my self where I ran at least 1 mile each day in December.  I actually ended up totalling 140 miles (off of an initial target of 120) which is the largest monthly total to date.  At some point in the run up to the marathon I have planned in May 2013 I guess this will nudge closer to the 200 mark, but I'll see how that goes.

In terms of 2012 as a whole, it was kind of a year of three thirds from a mileage point of view!  The first third (Jan-April) I did very little running at all totalling about 120 miles in total.  I can't quite remember why this is to be honest, but I know I was going to the gym a fair bit at that time.  The second third (May-August) I did about the same amount of miles but I know I completed two events (more about below).  However, the final third (September-December) are where things really took off for me, and is directly related to me joining a running club - I did nearly 500 miles in that period.

I completed 3 races in 2012.
- The 24th June Torbay Half Marathon.   I did this in slightly over 2hrs and I felt awful!  I was pretty despondent at this time, but I was really proud of my wife who did the course in 1:55:56 which is a 5-min PB for her and is the first time she got under the 2hr mark.  She did brilliantly!  Looking back now, even though I was hoping for a 1:55 or under (which would have been a PB) I know I was no where near prepared for it and I was kidding myself that I was doing the required training.

- The 26th August Torbay 10K.  At this I did a PB of under 50 minutes for the first time (49:39) so I was really pleased (my previous PB was 51:06).  However, I also felt that I had a lot more in me - I remember thinking that I had found it difficult and also when I looked at the results for my age category, I was 21st out of 34 competitors which to be honest I wasn't happy with.  I also remember looking around me at fellow runners and a lot of them seemed to be enjoying their running and because they were wearing club vests (and hence being a member of a club) I made a correlation between "happy running" and "running club" and decided to join a club.  3 days later (29th August) I had joined the Teignbridge Trotters and had been on my first session with them!  Joining the club has been the best thing I've done from a running perspective, and I wish I'd joined years ago.

- The 21st October Dartmoor Vale Half.  At this point I had been in the Trotters for about 2 months and I know that I had already started to improve.  I entered this event which is on quite a tough hilly course got a PB (shaving over 5 mins off) with a time of 1:50:17.  This was 10-mins quicker that my June half and also a 5-min course record.  I was delighted with the time (okay, I was a little annoyed with the 17 seconds!) but I did flag around miles 10-12 so I know there is still room for improvement.   I'm sure the improvement that did come about was due to me joining the club.

Weight loss and drinking habits
Another change in the "final third" of the year is that I have dropped 1 stone in weight.  As I sit here on January 1st (and I confess a little bit groggy from last night), I'm at 13st 2...my previous "bench mark" for a healthy weight was 14st which happens to coincide with just about sneaking into the "healthy" BMI range, and is a weight that I used to fluctuate around quite a lot.  This coincided with the increased mileage but also by me restricting my alcohol intake considerably.  At one point I went 7 weeks without a drink which is a record for me in 20 years of drinking!  I will never be tea-total (and I don't want to be), but for me the restriction of alcohol has been a massive change.

So turning to goals for 2013:
- I would like to get down consistently below 13 stone.  I'm not obsessing about this though....if it happens, that's fine.  The 1 stone weight loss in the last third of 2012 came about very easily and I think with the increased mileage I'm planning I will probably get below 13st.
- Be wary of my alcohol intake and go for "streaks" of being tea-total (probably between holiday times).
- Crack a 1:45 for a half marathon.  I have two attempts planned - one in March and another in June.  This is my main "time challenge" of the year.
- Get around a full marathon and actually enjoy it (unlike London 2010)!!  A time of sub-4:30 would be great and I have a marathon booked in early May to focus the mind in early 2013!
- If I can get under 45-mins for a 10K that would be superb.  As I sit here typing, I think I'll find this the toughest time challenge but I'll see how I get on.  I have two events in mind - one in March and one in August.
- Keep it going with the Trotters.  Try and get a long to as many of the Wednesday training sessions as possible, do as many weekend social runs as I can and also do some marshalling if I am able to.  I think this will help me stay consistent with my training/running and slowly/safely build up the necessary miles for the events I have planned.
- I'd like to think I could rack up 1200-1500 miles this year.
- I really want to try and keep my back healthy, by stretching and generally being careful with it.  I did my back in during 2011 and it put me out for weeks - I really don't want to go through that again as it was very painful.  Although this is the last goal, for me it's the most important.  If I'm not feeling right, I will back off the training knowing that it could impact some or all of the above.

I know that's a long post, but thanks for reading and good luck with your running goals in 2013!