Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A brush with running royalty, plus other things

A few weeks ago, Marathon Talk interviewed Amby Burfoot.  For those who may not know, Amby Burfoot won the Boston marathon in 1968, has been involved in running his whole life and is editor at large of Runner's World (US).  In running circles, he is pretty much royalty.

Anyway, on that Podcast it was mentioned that Burfoot has a book out and if you email him he'll sign it with an appropriate message and post it.  Yesterday, I went onto the website and emailed the address.  I was expecting an assistant or department to email me back, but the email came from Burfoot himself (within only a couple of hours)!  I do feel a bit bad as he said he won't be able to deal with my request for a couple of weeks as he is on holiday....I'll let him off that!

Another book that was mentioned on Marathon Talk was back in episode 77 (I'm still going through the back catalogue).  It is a book called "Chasing The Runner's High" by Ray Charbonneau and it was only a couple of quid for a Kindle copy.  I'm only about half way through it, but I'm enjoying it.  It's not about running technique or anything - it's just about a guy who is a runner and it's some of his stories along the way and a lot of it rings true with me.

I've been really struggling with my training paces and Shades from the Runner's World thread that I frequent has helped me out with the paces I should be running, following my half time on the weekend.  In an attempt to make sure I stick to them I'm putting them on a separate page on this Blog for all to see.

Easy  9:30 to 10:00
Long 9:30 to 10:30
Tempo 7:45 to 8:00
Marathon pace 8:21

OK - the Marathon Pace seems a long way off, but I guess it's something to aim for!  The important thing for me from seeing those Easy and Long paces in black and white is....I must start slowing down on those LSRs!

In that respect, I did a slow 8-miler last night (I was supposed to do a recovery run on Monday, but I didn't get to do it).  I'm pleased to say that I averaged a slow and steady 09:43 and the splits were fairly consistent.  It did feel slow, but I think that's the point.  I have an 18-miler planned this weekend, so I'm aiming to do a similar, consistent slow and steady pace on that.  If I can get a LSR in and feel good afterwards, I know that will be a confidence booster.

 1:17:48.6 8.00 9:43
1 9:51.2 1.00 9:51
2 9:41.8 1.00 9:42
3 9:45.0 1.00 9:45
4 9:40.7 1.00 9:41
5 9:44.4 1.00 9:45
6 9:41.0 1.00 9:41
7 9:39.3 1.00 9:39
8 9:41.9 1.00 9:42

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