Saturday, January 25, 2014


My wife and I have been tinkering with our food over the last week or so, with an aim of getting more fruit and veg in.  Our meals didn't need a massive overhaul anyway, but below was a fairly standard day of the last week.

Breakfast has stayed with porridge, honey and coffee, although I've added a banana.

Morning snack has changed to a handful of mangetout and either two carrots or half a pepper.  This used to always be an apple and banana, which I also used to have in the afternoon.  This will change depending on what is available on the shop.

Lunch has generally changed to 2 carrots, 2 celery, 2 hardboiled eggs, 2 tomatoes and a small amount of walnuts.  This is the meal that's changed the most.  It generally used to be sarnies (cheese or ham) and crisps, and this will change depending on what is available.

Afternoon snack has stayed at an apple and banana.

Evening meal hasn't really changed.  It's soup, some kind of roast, pasta or fish, all which have 2 or 3 veg in, and usually a glass of fresh juice.  When we wanted an "easy day" I usually just chucked some jacket potatoes in the oven; we're trying to stop this, and this week we've managed it.

Plenty of water throughout the day, but I did this anyway.  If I feel hungry on the evening, it's a jam sandwich or cereal and this hasn't changed although I do seem to be having these more often.

I haven't noticed any real improvements regarding feeling more energised, but I know this food is better even if it's still not perfect.  My weight has stayed stable over the last week (which is what I want), with the help of MyFitnessPal and obviously running.

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