I donned a brand new pair of running shoes last night (it's a model I know, so there were no concerns there) and went along to the 5K time trial that my club had arranged.
I don't really know where it came from, but I knocked 53 seconds off my PB with a time of 20:36!! I'm really, really pleased, if a little shocked. To be honest, I was hoping to PB tonight but I wasn't expecting that much time to come off.
The route is as flat as you can get, but my previous PB from July was also on a very flat route so they're comparable.
My previous PB was from a flat parkrun in Barnstaple last July, so it's taken a while to get under that 21-minute barrier. It's good to get a PB early in the year as it's a confidence boost to show I'm on track for a sub-1:40 for a Half, which is still my main time goal.
Mile splits were a little uneven (6:33, 6:48, 6:40 and the last bit at 6:01 pace) but I'm really pleased, with an average of 6:39min/mile. It was great conditions for it though, and my new trainers seem to suit me well!
Reading back to my post from July, I commented that I was disappointed that my second and third miles were slower than the first, and that was still the case here and I did feel it in that second mile. I finished strong though, so overall I'm pleased with how I ran it and delighted with the PB.
I find myself starting to ask why it well. I did have a rest day on Tuesday, and I have been eating different types of foods with plenty of veg. I'm averaging 10-12 portions of veg a day at the moment. Whether it was those things, or the new shoes, or a combination of lots of factors, my time is there in black and white so I'll take it!
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