Thursday, February 06, 2014

The dreaded "I" word!

I've only blooming well got an injury.  Grrrr.

I mentioned at the end of my last post that I had a bit of a tight back.  It turns out that this is actually a hip issue is my left hip.  Reluctantly, I had to concede defeat with it and haven't ran since Monday of this week (I'm writing this on Thursday).  I also won't be running today, but I'm hoping to go get out tomorrow or the weekend.  I thought it had got better, but it's definitely not cured so I needed some time off I think

I have the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies (a good book by the way) and I think it is my Gluteus Medius or Piriformis in the left hip.

Interestingly there is the following at the end of the section I'm reading:

"To take better care of your piriformis muscles, be aware that unaccustomed vigorous activity places them in jeopardy.  At the other extreme, prolonged immobility can set the piriformis up for trouble.  If you find that your job or your lifestyle keeps you sitting all the time, get up on your feet and do something."


"Finally, don't let anyone tell you that rest will solve the problem of myofascial pain.  Inactivity is a classic perpetrator of trigger points"

Looks like I need to give up work then....

The recommended treatment is massage with a tennis ball against the wall.  It does seem much better today as I did 4 lots of quite intensive (i.e., painful!) sessions on the hip yesterday, as well as moving around as much as I could at work and it seems to have eased a bit.  I jumped out of bed without really thinking about it today, whereas yesterday I kind of had to fall out!!  

I did go to the club yesterday but only to hand a form in for the club trip.  I did get a pang of jealousy seeing them all there limbering up, but I'm hopeful I'll be back on it soon.

Speaking of the club, it's our AGM soon.  The 'press and publicity' role is up for grabs and I've stuck my name down for that, and have got the 2 required signatures to be nominated.  I fancy becoming a bit more involved in the club and this seems a good way.  The role involves writing a weekly report and sending it to the local press, and writing a weekly report for the news section of the website.  For the content, it involves nagging people for stories and pictures, which I'm quite good at!  Of course, I may not get the role yet, but I'm hoping I will.

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